KR Training Feb 2020 Book Update

In 2019, Karl Rehn and John Daub published their book “Strategies and Standards for Defensive Handgun Training“. It discusses the gap between minimum state standards for carry permits and practical, realistic standards derived from study of actual incidents. Another section of the book explains how to analyze any timed fire drill to assess its difficulty level.

In 2020, they updated the Top 10 Drills section of the book, and added an appendix discussing the use of red dot sights.

Whether you purchased the book in 2019 or just want a sample of the book’s content, you can download a free PDF with the updated Top 10 Drills section and the red dot appendix by using the form below.

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Signed print copies of the book can be ordered direct from KR Training (use the button below) or you can buy the print or e-book from Amazon.